IP Quality Life Center X SSUSA

We are pleased to announce that Sports Scholarships USA (SSUSA) is partnering with IP Quality Life Center, New York, to improve both the quality and variety of our products and services and provide an integrated customer experience in sport.

SSUSA offers a unique opportunity for young Croatian athletes to achieve their sports dreams and study at an American university, while IP will provide smart solutions in sports diagnostics, training optimization, injury prevention and rehabilitation.

IP Quality Life Center is a cutting-edge sports science company that provides the best diagnostic solutions in fitness, elite sports and pain management. They are part of the team responsible for the development of Tensiomyography (TMG), which is fast becoming the primary option for an accurate, non-invasive and cost-effective tool for muscle diagnostics.

SSUSA’s collaboration with the IP Quality Life Center has been hugely successful so far, and we are looking forward to a new era for this partnership by ensuring an outstanding student-athlete experience!



Zadnje dodano

IP Quality Life Center X SSUSA
We are pleased to announce that Sports Scholarships USA (SSUSA) is partnering with IP Quality Life Center, New York, to improve both the quality and variety of our products and services and provide an integrated customer experience in sport. SSUSA offers a unique opportunity for young Croatian athletes to achieve their sports dreams and study at an American university,
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Kontakt Info


SSUSAeu, Sports Scholarships USA

Telefon:    091 522 8396
Email:     info@ssusa.eu
Adresa: Voćarska 106
10 000 Zagreb



IP Quality Life Center, New York is a cutting-edge sport science company which provides the best diagnostic solutions in fitness, elite sport and pain management.

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